Ohioans who weren't eligible for regular unemployment beneifts, can benefit for pre-registering for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) beginning Friday, April 24. This program covers a broader category of workers such as gig or contract workers. Gig workers are typically Uber and Lyft drivers, whose income has taken a recent hit with more workers staying at home and traffic from the local airport decreasing. 

The pre-registration tool will allow individuals to get in line early and pre-register their account, so that as soon as the agency has the technical ability to process their claims in May, they can log in and complete their paperwork. All unemployment benefit applications will be handled by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Benefits will include the average state unemployment benefit plus an additional $600 per week through July 25th. To apply for the new federal program, Ohioans should visit unemployment.ohio.gov and click on "Get Started Now."

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